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Life has brought you the challenge of a lifetime, and the need for the deepest healing.
The only way is through. This is your soul calling you home to your innermost truth. Life did not give you the challenge as a punitive exchange, it is a calling of your soul to reveal the healing, light, wisdom and guidance necessary.
Be supported as you transform, heal, learn and awaken your Radiant Self.
Sacredly Inspired Living through Death Loss
Sacredly Inspired Living through Change
Sacredly Inspired Living is Soul inspired focused guidance and a way to work with Mary in an ongoing capacity . It is an offering of wisdom, and support to assist you through that which life has offered as a challenge. It is a way to be supported and upheld as you face the deepest grief and transform your life and awaken to your Radiant Self.
"As I entered into the tunnel of Grief and loss, I could see the only way was through. I was guided with the wisdom and support and the promise of renewed JOY. This promise has come to pass."
Mary offers two paths for Mentorship.
1. Sacredly Inspired Living through the death of a loved one. Mary's experience through death and the grief that follows has given her the understanding and wisdom so very necessary for us to experience life as so much more than we may have previously seen. She shares a pathway of awakening to that which never dies- Our true self, our deep and rich inner world. Grief is a pathway right to our hearts and can be an awakening of a life of richness, expansion and deep knowing. There is also the opportunity present to create an ongoing and lasting relationship with our loved one in spirit. Whatsoever is most healing, shall be the path taken. Our relationships with our true self grows and the relationship with our loved one flourishes.
2. Sacredly Inspired Living through life Transitions. Life is filled with endings, new beginnings, changes and transitions. Disruption, destruction, dissolution, are ways of life, as well as re-birth, and new beginnings.
Going through the rockiest and roughest, is when we are met with our truest, strongest and most authentic wise selves. All change is an opportunity to shed, release, and learn a new way of being. The Way of Your Heart and Soul. Mary is there with you, supporting and encouraging with skillful means and a safe and sacred place to reveal your true Self. We focus on creating, cultivating and experiencing a most intimate relationship with ourselves. This is transformation and change at the soul level.
Our challenges are a portal through which we may awaken our Authentic Self and Live a life true to our Self.
Mary works with you during times of transitions to assist you in meeting the challenges, finding the meaning, on the soul level and creating the life of your most authentic expression.
You are welcome here when experiencing death of a loved one. You are welcome here when experiencing a call from within, guidance or direction to implement a long cherished dream or plan. You are welcome here when that which you had built is crumbling.
Mary works with you in moving through the challenges, and creating and maintaining a life that is healing, nourishing and soul inspired.
Life serves up challenges and it is through meeting the challenges we learn to use our most treasured gifts, and become the person you were destined to be. Mary encourages, nurtures and supports you through life's challenges, through the lens of your Soul.
Awaken your healing powers, connect with your Soul Team, Guides and Angels, understand Energy, and your unique cosmic blueprint are all ways to be in support as you traverse the way through.
My experience with Mary has been transformative in changing my mental health, outlook, and energy. Her keen and intuitive insight along with a honed ability to heal others have offered numerous benefits for me as I have navigated sobriety, a new lifestyle, and learning to recognize ways of living in a balanced, positive manner. Mary provides priceless guidance and unwavering support in a warm, safe environment and I owe so much of my newfound ability to thrive to her and her unique practice. --DD Colorado
Contact Mary with Questions. Complimentary 15 minute Q and A session and then book an intake session. You and Mary will create a plan of action.
Mary is currently accepting clients for continuous healing sessions.
I have been working exclusively with Mary for over a year now. I was introduced to her astrology readings through a workshop she was a guest at and was blown away by her abilities. Because of this, I had some readings and she so accurately portrayed my son in spirit! It has been a natural progression into her mentorship program and I must say that I feel so much more grounded and connected because of her. Mary is kind, skilled, and genuine. I value our work together. --SL
Mentorship Programs may include a package of 1:1 sessions. Intuitive Guidance, Soul Coaching, Astrology, Energy Healing, Spirit Guide connection, your very own meditations, learning an intuitive art, or a healing art (Reiki), honing your intuitive skills, dreamwork, and more. Your soul guides this process.
By Appointment
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